Flea Prevention Made Easy : The Facts On Fleas

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The Facts On Fleas


Flea facts

Why flea infestations can be so difficult to eliminate.

By the time you see fleas on your pet, the fleas already have a 6-12 week head start relative to any flea control efforts that are utilized.

Adult fleas can live up to 120 days with the entire flea lifecycle lasting as long as 8–12 months.

After feeding and mating, females start laying eggs in the first 24 hours.

Females can produce up to 50 eggs a day.

Adult fleas on pets are from eggs that were laid weeks earlier.

Pupae can remain dormant in places like carpet, bedding, baseboards or the basement for long periods of time.

The External Threat Of Fleas 

Keeping fleas from invading your home starts with knowing where they reside.

Shaded areas of built-up brush or leaves

In long, shaded grass or along fence lines

Under decks, steps and floor mats

Under trees, shrubs and flower beds

Flea prevention tip : Keeping your yard maintained and monitoring where your pet plays are easy ways to reduce the risk of fleas.

Exposure to fleas

Your pet can be exposed in a number of ways:

Dog parks

Walking your pet through wooded areas

Neighboring pets

Nightly visits from rodents, raccoons and opossums that frequent your yard (and can be present everywhere)

Fleas And Your Home

   With controlled temperatures, your home provides ideal conditions for fleas 365 days a year.

   Flea prevention tips.

   Treat all pets in your household. * If just one pet is untreated, your pets can pass fleas back and forth to each other, allowing the flea lifecycle to continue.

   Vacuum the places your pet tends to reside (daily in high-traffic areas and weekly in others.) *Each time, seal your vacuum bag in a plastic bag and discard it.

   Clean and treat the furniture and bedding where your pet lies or sleeps.

   Clean and treat your automobile and pet carrier.

   Use hot water to ensure the eggs are killed.

   The warning signs of fleas.

   Aside from seeing fleas in your pet’s coat, here are a few things to look for.

   Increased scratching or licking could indicate the presence of fleas.

   Small areas of damaged skin or areas without hair.

   Flea dirt: bits of dried blood excreted by feeding fleas that accumulates in the fur and in the surroundings of               flea-infested animals.

   Consult your veterinarian to confirm a flea infestation and discuss recommended treatment options.

Flea-Related Medical Problems

If left untreated, fleas can cause health issues in pets.

Flea Allergy Dermatitis

Caused by allergic reaction to flea saliva.

Characterized by severe itching and red, pimple-like bumps.


Flea-feeding during severe infestations causes significant blood loss resulting in inadequate red blood cells.

symptoms in puppies and kittens include pale gums, weakness, lethargy and even death.

Tapeworm Infection

Infected fleas carry immature tapeworms.

When fleas bite, pets chew and ingest the infected fleas while grooming.

Pets become infected with the tapeworms.

Infected fleas can also infect humans.

Feline Bartonellosis

Bartonella is the causative organism of “Cat Scratch Fever” which is a threat to humans.

This bacteria is associated with kidney disease, fever and gingivitis in cats.